
like lightning striking

Ran across this amazing picture from the balcony of Hannah's. Lucky I had a regular camera then—apparently the iPhone, which I've totally converted to, can't capture lightning. Something about the time lapse. Dunno. It was explained to me, but I blacked out during the explanation.


Catherine said...

Very Fab.

Bet you could sell this one.

Down Thunder Road said...

lightening is the blonde
getting the attention
but when the sound comes on
thunder pulls the mention

bolts dazzle and dance,
glimmer and glisten
given the chance
I'll wait for raindrops and listen

neruda said...

this is a great find ...thank God for old cameras...and files where you can find pictures to show us

Dianne said...

Wonderful...you need to post some taken from the balcony of The Goose as well!

Anonymous said...

great picture! congrats

by the way, the iphone (>=4) can capture lightning strikes: just use the app ilightningcam, full photo resolution and a millisec reaction time :-)