
some people have all the luck

Hannah's almost-ready-for-prime-time beach house on Block Island

Claudia's currently uninhabitable beach house on Block Island
Yes, I was cozy at Hannah's Hideaway with my Beltane fire while others toiled to batten down the roof at Claudia's Surf City to protect it from what I cannot find on record but estimate to be about three inches of rain. Maybe more. The back yard was flooded, and New York got five. As they frantically worked, I got to mangle a door while attempting to switch out a doorknob, read novels and answer mail.
  Here is a fabulous slide show of fabulous architecture in Michigan, from roadside to sacred, by my friend David Cobb Craig.
  And here is our own Woo's (aka Catherine Scarlett Lauren Durett Andrews Jackson) first almost-post-graduation foray into the Great Big Scary Grownup World. Looks like she's up to it!


Nose Bite K. Esq. said...

Madame Dowling: Il semblerait que, encore une fois, le destin nous a placés dans les panoramas de l'autre. N'est-ce pas l'expression familière côtière américaine? J'ai été retenu pour représenter un groupe de poupées anciennes dans un recours collectif contre vous, et peut-être, les Misses Alperts.
Ces êtres minuscules pauvres sont arrivés à ma porte aujourd'hui plutôt le pire pour l'usure. Ils ont été, comme vous le dites Américains, Joué dur et Ranger humide. Mais ce n'est pas ce qui les préoccupe. Ils m'ont informé que vous avez contracté pour mener ce qui pourrait être, au mieux, considérée comme une vente aux enchères slave.
Il s'agit d'une violation de leurs droits constitutionnelles de. Bien qu'ils ne soient pas des poupées de couleur, ils ont contacté l'ACLU. Vous pouvez vous attendre à entendre de l'ACLU et mes bureaux sous peu. En Garde, Nez Bite Kitty, Esq.

Nose Bite K. Esq. said...

Et La Translationne:

Madame Dowling: It would seem that, once again, fate has placed us in each other's viewsheds. Is that not the American coastal colloquialism? I have been retained to represent a group of vintage dolls in a class action suit against you, and perhaps, the Misses Alperts.
These poor tiny beings arrived on my doorstep today, rather the worse for wear. They have been, as you Americans say, Played Hard and Put Away Wet. But this is not what troubles them. They have informed me you have contracted to conduct what might be, at best, considered a Slave Auction.
This is a breach of their constitutional rights. While they may not be dolls of color, they have contacted the ACLU. You may expect to hear from the ACLU and my offices shortly. En Garde, Nose Bite Kitty, Esq.